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This step in the project process saw a lot of change and adaption through meetings with my supervisor, crit sessions with my peers, as well as conversation with others surrounding my project idea.


Social media research

Lastly, the projects next steps were mapped out through different parts. The social media campaign on Instagram was scheduled, the first stock footage was collected and poetry was experimented with.


Last group crit

Through the second crit session, where I presented a first impression of my short film, I was encouraged to develop my idea further through adding self-shot footage as well as layering the voiceover to create more impact.


Proposal finalisation

Through several supervisor meetings, as well as the first crit session with my peers, the proposal and the project topic were finalised.


Proposal research

The initial proposal research was started through a variety of research, as well as an overall collection of topics, that might be of interest. Through this, I quickly realised, that I wanted to pursue a topic I was passionate about.


Supervisor meetings & Crits

From then on, the idea was developed to have a cohesive theme. The methodology of a short film/documentary was chosen, while also deciding the research method to be a social media campaign. At this point, spoken word, as voiceover, came up as an additional methodology, to help convey the message in an artistic and impactful way. 

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